Wicked Artz Cartoons Image Use
We can supply high quality jpeg single images of many of our cartoon car pictures, for use by companies and individuals on signage, web sites, printable banners and vehicle sign writing etc at very attractive prices. Also, ALL of our images are supplied in a jpeg format, we do not have any of our images in a vector format.
(Please note: There are some of our images that we do not make available, details of which, we can confirm following receipt of your initial enquiry).
The use of any of our images is strictly for the promotion of your business and the use of the image for retail purposes, or for sale to a third party, is strictly forbidden.
If you feel your business, or organisation, could benefit from using any of our great designs, then please contact us by email at the following address:
Wicked Artz Cartoons Retail Use Opportunities
Please note, that at the present time, we are not looking to make available any of our pictures for retail use by other companies within the UK.
Private Cartoon Car Commissions
If you should want an original cartoon car drawing of your vehicle, or perhaps a gift for a family member, or friend, then what you need is a Private Commission, while we can also offer vehicles drawn with people/faces in the picture for that truly personal touch.
Prices start from just £85+, or £110+ for pictures with people/faces and do vary depending on the detail and amount of work involved within the drawing and also whether you want to use the image for commercial/business purposes, in which case, the costs start from £150.
We have included the starting costs because in too many cases, the assumption is that private drawings can be produced by our artists for just £10/£20. If this is more in line with what you want to spend, then please select one of our existing pictures from our comprehensive catalogue of cars featured within our web site.
If you wish to proceed with a private commission, then please send us an email with your requirements and we will put you directly in touch with one of our artists, though please remember, that the lead time for new drawings is often 2/3 weeks and longer as we approach Christmas time.